A deep, heartfelt "Thank You!" to all of our partners.Your wisdom, insight and giving is changing lives in ways that cannot be reversed.
If you are not partner and wish to invest in the lives of children and families affected by incarceration, click here.  
See the source image
 See the source image
 Image result for www.homedepot.com
  Image result for chick fil a
http://www.samchand.com/ Dr. Samuel Chand
Kairos Outside Prison Ministry http://www.konorth.kairosofgeorgia.org/
Kairos Inside Prison Ministry  http://www.kairosprisonministry.org/
The Last Call World Outreach Missions
Atlanta South Walk to Emmaus
Upper Room Ministries 
Koinonia House
David Long construction
Roger Mileham Sheet Rock
CiCi's Pizza
Macon Wholesale Building Materials
84 Lumber
Life of Christ Ministries
John "Billy" Sellers  Concrete
Professional Plumbing
Cameron Beach
Paul Andrews
David & Cindy Spangler
Antioch Baptist Church
Minister Peter A. Gonzalez
Trinity Family Worship Center
Pastor Roger Mileham
Pastor Keith Battle
Pastor Charles Young
Pastor Michael English
American Dent Pushers
River Edge - Forsyth, Georgia